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HSC English Modules

When you are studying a particular module, be sure to watch a video below to get a clear understanding of how to approach your module and the texts that are related to it. We break each module up into short videos and explain how to effectively approach each one.

Standard and Advanced English

Modules Overview

This short video discusses how to approach the different modules and serves as an overview for your studies.

Modules Overview from Paul Giannakis on Vimeo.

Area of Study: Discovery

Paper 1 is the section of the exam that contains common content for both Standard and Advanced students. In this video we discuss the Area of Study and how to approach the concepts and ideas that will be used in your comprehension, creative writing and essays.

Area of Study from Paul Giannakis on Vimeo.

Standard English

Standard Module A: Experience Through Language

This module aims to teach students how composers use distinctively visual techniques and language or distinctive voices to communicate a particular perspective. We discuss how to approach this module along with the two electives: Elective 1: Distinctive Voices and Elective 2: Distinctively Visual.

Standard Module A from Save My HSC on Vimeo.

Standard Module B: Close Study of Text

Standard Module B is the only module where you are asked to focus deeply on a particular text and consider how language, techniques and ideas work with one another in order to influence those who are viewing or reading it.

Standard Module B from Save My HSC on Vimeo.

Standard Module C: Texts and Society

In Standard Module C: Texts and Society students examine how texts communicate their information to impact a particular space in society. The module is broken up into Elective 1: Exploring Interactions and Elective 2: Exploring Transitions.

Standard Module C from Save My HSC on Vimeo.

Advanced English

Advanced Module A: Comparative Study of Texts and Context

The advanced course has a greater focus on context and this module specifically considers how different contexts have both different and similar elements which impact individuals and society. This module is broken up into Elective 1: Intertextual Connections and Elective 2: Intertextual Perspectives.

Advanced Module A from Save My HSC on Vimeo.

Advanced Module B: Critical Study of Texts

Students studying Advanced Module B: Critical Study of Texts are asked to look critically into a particular text and the critics who have assessed it in order to develop an understanding of how language plays a role in how a text is perceived by the respondent and others.

Advanced Module B from Save My HSC on Vimeo.

Advanced Module C: Representation and Text

Advanced Module C: Representation and Text aims to teach student how different people represent the world in different ways. It is broken up into Elective 1: Representing People and Politics and Elective 2: Representing People and Landscapes.

Advanced Module C from Save My HSC on Vimeo.