
This is where HSC ESL, Standard and Advanced English diverge. Each of these courses has their own modules, otherwise known as units of study, and electives within these modules. Each student will study ONE elective from each module, with the modules conveniently named A, B and C to avoid confusion. Just like the area of study, each module has its own rationale, underpinning ideas and focus which students must understand in order to best respond to the separate exam question that is provided for each module.
Each module contributes to 20% of your final mark for English and will be tested with one question in your paper two English exam. Module A, B and C (For standard and advanced English) are all vastly different and require students to challenge themselves in different ways so it is important to know how to approach and prepare for each one. You will all hear the horror stories of students that got zero for answering the wrong question so do yourself a favour and become familiar with the exact name of the module, elective and texts you are studying!
For ESL English the modules and electives are as follows:
Module A; Experience through Language
Elective 1: Australian Voices
Elective 2: Australian Visions
Module B: Texts and Society
Elective 1: Living and Working in the Community
Elective 2: Academic English
For HSC Standard English the modules and electives are:
Module A: Experience through Language
Elective 1: Distinctive Voices
Elective 2: Distinctly Visual
Module B: Close Study of Text
Module C: Texts and Society
Elective 1: The Global Village
Elective 2: Into the World
For HSC Advanced English:
Module A: Comparative Study of Texts and Context
Elective 1: Exploring Connections
Elective 2: Texts in Time
Module B: Critical Study of Texts
Module C: Representation and Text
Elective 1: Conflicting Perspectives
Elective 2: History and Memory
For each of these modules/electives there are a range of texts known as prescribed texts which the Board of Studies requires students to study. Each student will study ONE prescribed text and depending on the module/elective, they may also be required to study and be able to include related texts in their responses. A full list of the prescribed texts can be found at:
More details about these modules and electives and what will be required of students studying these will follow in later posts.
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