Sample Thesis Statements For Belonging Essays
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Sample Thesis Statements for Belonging Essays

Sample Thesis Statements For Belonging Essays

Still have no idea what a thesis statement is? Take inspiration from these sample thesis statements for belonging essays.

All of these thesis statements can be used as starting points for arguments about belonging!


  • Our life experiences teach us that when we stop trying to belong we realise that we have always belonged
  • We search for a place to belong, not realising that it is our perceptions and attitudes, not the place that allow us to belong

Notions of identity

  • When our cultural identity is marginalised, we can feel dislocated and displaced, and believe that we do not belong to our culture or the dominant culture.
  • Our search for who we are is fuelled by a need to find a place in the world where we belong
  • A sense of belonging comes from a sense of identity


  • The need to belong to a group or a community shapes our behaviour, attitudes and actions
  • An individual has the potential to damage relationships and ensure that others do not belong
  • When humanity experiences a strong connection to a place, the notion of belonging is strengthened and enriched
  • When our relationship with a place is shaped by a narrow and biased view of the world, our notion of belonging can be questionable


  • The basic human need to be accepted and belong can cloud our judgments and direct our actions


  • When we begin to understand the forces that drive us to belong, we develop empathy for others and personal insight

McPherson, D and Sherlock, J et all, 2010, Oxford HSC English, Oxford University Press, South Melbourne.


  • A sense of belonging can emerge from the connections made with people, places and the larger world. It is these connections that influence where we search for meaning in our lives and ultimately, where we belong
  • We belong when we feel connected to others and the world

Inner Belonging

  • Belonging comes from within rather than without
  • An inner sense of connection leads to an external sense of belonging
  • Feeling connected to the world is an inner experience
  • The desire to belong is a driving force within us
  • A sense of belonging begins instinsically and spreads out into the world
  • We cannot belong until we understand ourselves-An inner sense of balance allows the individual to belong harmoniously in the world


These statements are a great starting point but in order to write a great essay you will have to learn how to research and analyse your texts effectively as well as write a good introduction, body and conclusion. The entire process is covered in our simple guidebook the Band 6 Formula.


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  1. This is really great, wonderful thought provoking statements that have helped me think in a new way about writing my thesis.

  2. Please i want an essay that you make it including thesis and etc…
    About a discovery any discovery and i prefer if it ia about Heliocentric Theory.
    Thank you

    1. This is quite an old post. Our aim at present is to help students write good thesis statements opposed to giving a list of them as we feel that this is more effective.

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