More Practice Exams Area of Study
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More Practice Exams-Area of Study

With English Paper One, it is important to practice as many exam-style questions as you can. The English exams are NOT memory tests-there is no prescriptive syllabus, and the board of studies can, and will, ask you anything about the topic you have studied. You should be trying to remember important quotes, techniques and ideas,…

Practice Questions for Advanced Module B: W.B Yeats

Most students consider Module B to be the most difficult of all three modules. It requires a close knowledge of text and language forms and features used to create meaning within texts. Refine your skills and test your knowledge with the following questions: How is your personal response to the poetry of Yeats shaped by…

Practice Questions for Standard English Module C: Into the world

Practice questions can be incredibly helpful when studying English Standard Module C as it will help you comprehend a broader range of questions. 2010 HSC ‘The experience of moving into the world can challenge individuals’ attitudes and beliefs.’ Discuss this view with reference to your prescribed text and at least ONE other related text of…

Studying for HSC Exams
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Studying for Exams and More Sample HSC English Papers

The best, and perhaps only way to study for HSC English exams is to practice answering as many questions on your relevant module as possible. More exam papers are attached for you to attempt, or at least look at so you can get an idea of the kinds of questions you may be asked. A…

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HSC English Trials Past Papers AND Marking Guidelines

This is the best resource you will find online! The new syllabus has only been in effect for over 2 years, so it is very difficult to find papers that are relevant to what you have been studying in class. We have collected a number of past papers from different sources and will continue to…

Belonging Practice Questions
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Belonging Practice Questions-Essay Questions for Paper One

It is time to practice and improve your essay skills by having a go at this list of essay questions compiled by Save My HSC especially for you. All of these questions reflect the sort of questions you will have to answer in section three of Paper One. It is highly unlikely they will ask…